Try the progression steps below to master each part of your flip-turn. 
  • Sink-touch-push into streamline on your back.  Push off with power to streamline past the flags.
  • Sink-touch-push into streamline and add 2 snappy dolphin kicks while on your back.
  • Sink-touch-push into streamline, 2 dolphin kicks on your back, now add 2 more dolphin kicks as you rotate to your side.
  • Sink-touch-push into streamline, 2 dolphin kicks on back, 2 dolphin kicks on side, now add 2 dolphin kicks as you rotate to your front.
  • Sink-touch-push in to streamline, 2 kicks on back, 2 on side, 2 on front, now take 2 strokes without a breath.

  • Now try a forward flip close to the wall and push off on your back.  Add each step above until you feel comfortable.
  • Swim freestyle in from the flags and you have completed all the steps to help master a perfect flip turn!
