Correct BACK to BREAST open turns are possible for all swimmers!  Try the progression below to perfect your turn and drop time in your IM events.

Practice ON DECK:  (READ FIRST and then watch the video)
  • "TOUCH WALL" Touch the wall with arm fully extended. Do not let shoulder pass mid-line toward your stomach. 
  • "DRIVE THE KNEES" Place one foot on the wall at a 90 degree or right angle.  If you touched the wall with your right hand, then you will place your right foot on the wall for deck practice.
  • "ELBOW YOUR BROTHER" The lower arm pulls back (elbows your brother), hinges upward, and extends toward the other end of the pool, palm up.
  • "PHONE YOUR MOTHER" Point upper (hand that touched wall) elbow forward and sweep that hand beside the ear.
  • "STREAMLINE" Bring both hands together above the head to meet in a tight streamline.  Body will be parallel to the pool wall, and will rotate as you complete your breaststroke pullout (underwater power pull).
Below, Zach demonstrates the 5 steps on deck.  Practice along with him!

Practice IN WATER:  (READ FIRST and then watch the video)

  • "TOUCH WALL"  Approach the wall on your side with arm and legs fully extended.  Do not let your shoulder pass mid-line.    
  • "DRIVE THE KNEES" Aggressively pull your knees to the wall and place both feet on the wall at a right angle, shoulder width apart. 
  • "ELBOW (HIGH FIVE)YOUR BROTHER" Pull lower elbow back, hinge arm upward, and extend it toward the other end of the pool. When first learning these steps, it is easier to leave the lower hand out and just rotate the palm up toward the ceiling. 
  • "PHONE YOUR MOTHER" Point the other elbow forward above the head and sweep hand beside your ear.  
  • "STREAMLINE"  Bring both hands together above the head to meet in a tight streamline.  At the same time, sink down to get under the turbulence created coming in with backstroke. Do not push off until arms are in a perfect streamline.  Body will be parallel to the pool wall.  Then rotate toward stomach as you complete your breaststroke pullout. 
Below, Zach demonstrates his 5 step progression in the water.

With practice, these steps will blend together.  Your turns will become smooth and fast.  Click on "open turns" at the top of the screen to see Coach Steven's open turns.  

Practice every chance you get!  Good luck!
